Welcome to the section dedicated to registering for the ASE S.r.l. Webinar.
The decision to create customized videoconferences stems from the desire to introduce experts in the field of geotechnics, geology and civil construction (engineers, geologists, surveyors, etc.) to our innovative solutions for monitoring, sharing our experiences with them.
The following topics will be covered during the Webinar:
(in the registration phase it is possible to specify the sectors of interest / non-interest in order to optimize the presentation according to your needs)
- Introduction to ASE and the philosophy of the Internet Of Natural Hazard;
- Automatism of data and geotechnical monitoring;
- Monitoring of landslides and geotechnical structures using the Vertical Array and Vertical Array Structure tools;
- Passive intelligent works for the protection of the territory (rockfall barriers and debris flow);
- Monitoring of underground excavations using MUMS technology (Cir Array, Rad Array and PreConv Array);
- Remote control of structures using the Klino Array tool;
- Horizontal Array and monitoring of differential settlements;
- Low enthalpy geothermal applications: Therm Array;
- Musa and environmental monitoring;
- Visualization of data in real-time through the ASE dynamic platform.
The maximum duration of the presentation will be 50 minutes and is variable according to the chosen topics.
To register, you must fill out the form below indicating:
- Your Name and Surname;
- Your company;
- Your e-mail address;
- The day and the time you want to book the Webinar;
- The topics of interest.
Once the request has been sent, you will be contacted via e-mail by one of our technicians who will send you the link to access the Webinar. In order to participate, it is not necessary to install any type of program.